MAIN STREET UNION CITY ANNOUNCES 2025 CALENDAR OF EVENTS UNION CITY, TENN. – Main Street Union City has just announced its 2025 calendar of events and other exciting news for the downtown district. When creating events for downtown, the Main Street board of directors and the executive director make sure the events align with the mission of the organization. “Our…
MAIN STREET UNION CITY CELEBRATES ‘SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY’ NOVEMBER 30 UNION CITY, TENN. – Main Street Union City is encouraging community members to “shop small” on Sat., Nov. 30, to support locally-owned and operated businesses in downtown Union City. “Small Business Saturday” is a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. This is…
MAIN STREET UNION CITY ANNOUNCES CHRISTMAS EVENTS Nov. 1 , 2024 UNION CITY, TENN. – Main Street Union City has several events scheduled that will get the community in the spirit of Christmas. Downtown Union City is kicking off the Christmas season a little earlier this year. Main Street will present the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on Thurs., Nov. 14…
Main Street Union City Installs Historic Photographs in Downtown Windows Main Street Union City has partnered with several organizations and building owners in the downtown district to install three window graphics showcasing old photographs of downtown Union City throughout the years. This initiative came from the Main Street board of directors during one of their monthly meetings. "We were looking…
MAIN STREET UNION CITY TO HOST ‘TACOS & TAMALES’ FUNDRAISING EVENT OCTOBER 12, 2024 UNION CITY, TENN. - Main Street Union City is hosting the Fourth Annual “Tacos & Tamales” fundraising event on Sat., Oct. 12, 2024 in Kiwanis Park in downtown Union City from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Main Street has booked three performance groups this year to…
MAIN STREET UNION CITY WELCOMES ‘REELFOOT BREWING COMPANY’ TO DOWNTOWN UPDATE AS OF 7/13/24 - Reelfoot Brewing Company has postponed its opening date. They will NOT be opening July 20 as previously announced. Main Street Union City will announce the new opening date as soon as we hear the new date. UNION CITY, TENN. - Main Street Union City is…
MAIN STREET UNION CITY LAUNCHES FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN UNION CITY, TENN. - Main Street Union City has just released its 2024-25 supporter levels for downtown merchants, local businesses and individuals. Anyone who has a passion for revitalizing downtown Union City can participate. Supporters of Main Street Union City play a key role in helping with the downtown revitalization efforts. A few…
MAIN STREET UNION CITY DESIGNATED AS A 2024 ACCREDITED PROGRAM BY MAIN STREET AMERICA UNION CITY, TENN. – Main Street Union City has been designated as an Accredited Main Street America program for meeting rigorous performance standards. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of designated programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-based economic development…
Celebrate Preservation Month 2024 Main Street Union City's mission is to revitalize the economy, enhance the historical charm and preserve the architectural heritage of the downtown business district of Union City, Tennessee. As part of "Preservation Month" throughout the month of May, we will be highlighting different projects of preservation as well as individual buildings that are on the National…
Small Business Celebrates 20 Years in Downtown Union City Today is a BIG day! Peddlers Mart is celebrating 20 YEARS as a small business in downtown Union City. Congratulations on such a major milestone, Marty! ... During Small Business Week, be sure to go shop with Marty and our other small businesses in downtown. These folks make our downtown a…