Main Street Union City Installs Bike Racks in Downtown District
Thanks to a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health, Main Street Union City was able to install three custom-made bike racks in the downtown district. The grant is part of the health department’s initiative to increase active living in downtown areas.
“During the summer, we did a walkability audit to see where we needed to add crosswalks as well as bike racks to increase pedestrian safety and encourage active lifestyles in downtown,” said Katie Graves, executive director of Main Street. “We were thrilled to receive funds to not only add a crosswalk at Depot and Church Streets and freshen up our current crosswalks downtown, but we were also able to purchase three custom-made bike racks from a local artist that also function as public art.”
Main Street worked with Bill Zarecor of Vintage Iron Works to fabricate the bike racks for downtown.
There are currently three bike racks in downtown Union City located near Merchants Park, the Obion County Courthouse and next to Reelfoot Brewing Company.
This addition to downtown aligns with the recently-released “Bike TN” campaign through the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development.
Join in on the fun! Ride your bikes to downtown Union City, lock them up at one of the new bike racks and enjoy shopping, eating and living in downtown Union City!
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