The 4 Preservation Projects Transforming Downtown Union City
Throughout the month of May, Main Street Union City has highlighted different buildings and projects as part of National Preservation Month. You may have read some fun facts about the five historic buildings in downtown Union City that are on the National Register of Historic Places, such as the 1891 Deering Building or the 1913 U.S. Post Office. But the most impressive stories to be shared include the preservation projects that have occurred over the last few years in downtown Union City and the economic impact those transformations have made in our community.
Main Street Union City’s mission is to revitalize the economy, enhance the historical charm and preserve the architectural heritage of the downtown business district of Union City. Preservation is a core part of our mission statement, and we make sure our building owners have the right resources when taking on an important preservation project.
As you read about these four highlighted preservation projects, we encourage you to visit downtown and look at the great work being done. We are proud to have such passionate people who love historic buildings and want to see our downtown be transformed into a charming place to eat, shop, play and live.
Preservation Project #1 South First Street
The top photo showcases several historic buildings and shops from the 1980s. As you can see, the colors, facades and awnings have changed from the 80s to today. Be on the lookout over the next 18 months for more facade changes, including original window restorations, historic paint updates and more, thanks to the $300,000 reimbursable Downtown Improvement Grant from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development!
Preservation Project #2 at 104 Church Street
We are excited that the owners of this building have taken the bones of this structure to create something new and exciting for our downtown community. Any guesses on what it is? Hint: you & your friends are going to BEER-ly contain yourselves when you find out!
We are thankful to make connections with people who have a passion for restoring old buildings and creating something new for the community to enjoy. Stay tuned for the official announcement of what will be in this building!
Preservation Project #3 at 224 S. First Street
Take a look at this difference five years can make! You can tell the building owners did a great job of restoring the building by keeping the top windows the same shape at the original windows and a similar color palette. By removing the tattered awning, giving it a fresh coat of paint and adding lights, this building now houses a successful small business, Renew Medical Spa, AND two luxury apartments upstairs.
We are grateful for the building owners downtown who see the value in restoring their properties. Stay tuned for more building renovations throughout the next two years!
Preservation Project #4 The Doc Nailling Building
The last featured preservation project is one of the most impressive projects to take place in downtown Union City, Tenn. It is the renovation of the Nailling Building. It’s story is one full of family, love for preservation and an economic and real estate impact that will last for generations.
The Nailling Building was originally built 1913 by Dr. William A. Nailling, a studious man with an entrepreneurial, curious, and innovative spirit. Fast-forward over 100 years later, the great-grandson of Dr. Nailling, David Ring, purchased the deteriorating building and restored it to house a marketplace, Vantage Coffee Roasters and 27 luxury apartments while keeping it as close to historically accurate as possible.
You can read the full history of this incredible preservation project on The Nailling Apartments’ website.
Preservation is just one of many good things that Main Street Union City does for the community. Whether it is applying for grants, raising funds for murals or signage or being the connector for people who want to help restore and preserve historic buildings, Main Street Union City is here to keep downtown thriving.
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