Preservation Month Project #4 Featuring Doc Nailling Building in Downtown Union City
One of the most impressive preservation projects to take place in downtown Union City, Tenn., is the renovation of the Nailling Building. It’s story is one full of family, love for preservation and an economic & real estate impact that will last for generations.
The Nailling Building was originally built 1913 by Dr. William A. Nailling, a studious man with an entrepreneurial, curious, and innovative spirit. Fast-forward over 100 years later, the great-grandson of Dr. Nailling, David Ring, purchased the deteriorating building and restored it to house a marketplace, Vantage Coffee Roasters and 27 luxury apartments while keeping it as close to historically accurate as possible.
You can read the full history of this incredible preservation project on The Nailling Apartments’ website.
Preservation is just one of many good things that Main Streets do for their downtown communities. Whether it is applying for grants, raising funds for murals or signage or being the connector for people who want to help restore and preserve historic buildings, Main Street Union City is here to keep downtown thriving.
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